Knit Sis - Pattern knitting designers

Hello to all, 

We are Louise & Lenny, 2 sisters passionates about knitting and craft of all kind since for ever. 

To give you more detail, we have started knitting at the age of 8 yo with our grand-ma and aunt and haven't stop since

We have created our Instagram account in 2019, with the idea to share our passion with our beloved and also to be able to meet other knitters around the world 

Our first pattern ever was created soon after that and then we couldn't be stopped anymore 





We consider our univers as colorful, full of different texture and pattern and we are hopping that you will enjoy knitting our pattern as much as we have enjoyed creating them ! 


Please reach out if you have any question on the different patterns, but also if you feel like working together 


See you soon, 
Louise & Lenny,

From Knit Sis 

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We're sharing our knitting life from our 2 points of view